Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sprouts History

Here some fact you need to know about the history of Sprouts.


There is no written evidence that Chinese doctors knew sprouts and they were for the healing of many diseases for more than 5000 years. Shen-Nung, the emperor of China, in 1282 BC, wrote about her and Mung beans as had happened to their growth. Modern China, a short back and the rest of the world, the export of wheat, even if it is less fertile agricultural land and no chemical fertilizers, and very little modern agricultural machinery. Moreover, they are nearly one billion people. That would be impossible for a "modern" farming system.

Thank God for their history

The secret is sprouts. The first mention of the extraordinary nutritional value of seeds germinated in a book, the Emperor of China in 2939 BC. It was not a new idea even then. Most of the families of Chinese origin, the sprouts grow, what each person had a constant supply of high energy foods at low cost. N. expensive to transport. N. Processing and packaging. They could not do what they do when they are burdened with our more developed system of food production. Americans of Oriental descent sprouts are always in their diet as a staple food.

In the book of Daniel in the Bible, we read of germs. Even with its great history, it has been for many centuries before the West about the nutritional values of these extraordinary plants.

From 1772 to 1775, Captain James Cook was plagued by illness among his crew and was looking for answers. It was noted that scurvy (vitamin C) was the cause. In two to three years and travels, many of them have died, most were too sick to work, necessary to a ship underway. So Captain Cook, beginning in 1772, had his sailors eat limes, lemons, and a variety of sprouts, with plenty of vitamin C. He added, fresh fruit and vegetables, as has been ongoing and a plan for the cultivation and consumption of sprouts were. It is a step in the health of seafarers and shipping, solved the biggest problem for the Captain Cook.

Dr. Clive M. McKay, professor of food science at Cornell University wrote an article during the Second World War, the great interest. The first statement in his article as follows: "Wanted! A plant grows in a climate Rival meat in nutritional value, will mature in 3-5 days, can be planted any day of the year, you will not need soil or sunshine, will rival tomatoes in vitamin C, will be free of waste in preparation and can be cooked with little fuel and as quickly as it cut ... ".

He spoke of the buds. The amazing properties of sprouted soybeans has been the subject of research by a team of nutrition experts led by Dr. McKay. Other researchers have surgery at the University of Pennsylvania and Minnesota, Yale and McGill. What has been shown that sprouts retain the B-vitamin complex that is in the original seed. What was even more surprised that he feels that it was a big jump in Vitamin A and an incredible amount of vitamin C that go beyond what the seeds are not sprouting. While some proteins are lost in the process of germination, starch is used in simple sugars, which are easily digestible shoots.

By Dr. McKay, and the publication of information on the research of others, the United States, interest in sprouts and sprouting. In this case, do not catch most people.

The Rising of Coal

However, in the seventies, where health is an important concern for conscience, sprouts have begun to get them, along with the tofu. Bean sprouts are the kind of choice, and the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States has a tendency to note that a cup of bean sprouts contains only 26 calories. They are low in salicylate, the Agriculture Department has pointed out, a natural occurring chemical in plants, the digestive problems in some people.

Today, China and India are major producers of Mung Beans, and the United States is one of the largest customers. This means that the bean sprouts are readily available in this country in the supermarkets.

Of course, even better, you can create your own. Recipes for the demand, which means the silver sprouts Mung bean sprouts with their ends removed. This is a task that agent executed in Chinese families. Today, the rungs are in their own in the United States. A measure of the size of the growing population shoot and consume in this country, the number of websites with the theme, and many manufacturers and distributors of bean sprouts.

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